The only ebikes rental and tour specialty store in Kyoto City. You can also travel comfortably to the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, the tea plantations in Wazuka Town, and the thatched roofs in Miyama Town.
Kyoto ebikerental saiin
about Kyoto by the sea
Recommended routes
This is a cycling route that takes you on an ancient road from Kyoto City through the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest and Hozukyo Gorge to Kameoka.
The forest ride along the river is exhilarating, and you can see the Sagano trolley train and the Hozugawa river rafting.
A cycling route from Kyoto City that goes over Hanase Pass to Kayabuki-no-Sato, Miyama Town, where the original scenery of Japan spreads out.
The road from Hanase to Miyama in particular retains a medieval atmosphere, making you feel as if you've traveled back in time.
It is a fantastic route that cycles through the wonderful bamboo forests of Mt. Inari and from the forest road to Fushimi Inari Shrine.
The cycling route inside Inariyama is not obvious to tourists, so it is best to take a guided tour or park at the nearby bicycle parking lot and walk.
Bikes rental and tours
Kyoto city
1 day Bike rental/GIANT ESCAPE R E+ (Range: 100km~) ¥6,000 Long rides to gravel rides
Kyoto city
2 day Bike rental/GIANT ESCAPE R E+ (Range: 100km~) ¥9,000 Long rides to gravel rides
Kyoto city
1 day Bike rental/Tern Vektron ¥5,000 Best ride in kyoto city
Kyoto city
2 day Bike rental/Tern Vektron ¥7,500 Best ride in kyoto city
Kyoto city
Kyoto city
Kyoto city
Kyoto city
Kyoto city
Cycling attractions
Kyoto city
Around Higashiyama This is an area where the most famous spots such as Kiyomizu-Temple, Sannenzaka, Yasaka Shrine, and Gion are concentrated and tourists gather.
Kyoto city
Kinkakuji This is an area where you can enjoy a stroll through the golden temple and the large garden.
Kyoto city
Arashiyama This is a noble area with the tombs of the imperial family and related facilities.
Kyoto city
Fushimi Inari It is famous for its Senbon Torii gates and the mystical Inariyama trekking route.
Kyoto city
Nanzenji This area is home to the Philosopher’s Path, Ginkakuji Temple, and Nanzenji Temple, and is relatively quiet, retaining the atmosphere of an old temple town.
Kyoto city
Kamigamo Kamigamo shrine is representative of Japanese Shinto and has a different atmosphere from Buddhist temples.
Kyoto city
Kurama & Kifune Kurama Temple is the head temple of a special Buddhist sect and has a unique atmosphere unlike other temples.
Kyoto city
Nijo This area is home to Nijo Castle and Kyoto Imperial Palace, and was the political center of Kyoto.
Kyoto city
Mt.Hiei Area Mt.Hiei is the largest sanctuary of Japanese Buddhism, which has survived until modern times semi-independently from the government.
Bikes rentalRecommended routes
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